Protocol for Children’s Church
Effective Sunday, May 23, 2021
We will have a Nursery/Toddler class for babies through Kindergarten & a class for Grades 1-5
- Children will not be required to wear masks. However, we do have small disposable masks available at the parents’ request
- Small tables and 4 chairs by each
- Toys will be limited and sanitized after class (be mindful of kids sharing toys and sanitize during class as necessary)
- CD player and children’s worship songs are available to play throughout the class
- DVD Player and kids’ videos will be set up in separate room with one table and 4 chairs
- We will have a sanitation station upon entering the classroom that the children should use
- Sanitizing wipes will be available in the classroom
- Pre-packaged snacks will be available for the teacher to pass out after class
- Children will not be released until the parent picks them up
Grades 1-5
- Children will not be required to wear masks. However, we do have small disposable masks available at the parents’ request
- Two tables will be set up in the room with 2 chairs each
- We will have a sanitation station upon entering the classroom that the children should use
- Sanitizing wipes will be available in the classroom
- Crafts are packaged in individual zip lock bags for the children and should be passed out by the teacher at the appropriate time during the lesson
- Crafts should not need any other supplies.
- At this point, there will be no other touch points in the room, e.g. prizes, crayons, pencils, paper etc. They will be kept in sealed containers in the room.
- Teachers will have a bible or Children’s bible to read from
- Pre-packaged snacks will be available for the teacher to pass out after class
- Children will not be released until the parent picks them up
Youth & Jr. Youth will remain in the service.
New Hope Christian Fellowship is dedicated to providing a safe and loving environment to teach our children about:
- the love of the Father
- the salvation of Jesus Christ
- the guidance of the Holy Spirit
We believe that the teaching the Lord does in the children’s classes is as important as His ministry to the adults in the sanctuary.
“Children are a Treasure from the Lord”
Proverbs 22:6
Youth & Jr. Youth Group IGNITED TRUTH
IGNITED TRUTH meets every Sunday during the morning service. We deal with relevant topics that pertain to the challenges and decisions our teens are faced with every day. A great opportunity to bring a friend! Watch the calendar for upcoming events.

0 to 24 months
Faith Sprouts
2 Yrs thru Pre-K
King's Kids

Kindergarten thru 2nd Grade
God Squad

3rd Grade thru 5th Grade
“Train up a child the way he should go and when he is old
he will not depart from it.”
Psalm 127:3